Saturday, August 8, 2015

14 tips for students to hear about annoying people

This is a blog post about ANNOYING PEOPLE.   What information can we put in front of young people so that they don't react strongly to annoying studnets?

What social skills can we help them develop?



How does your school spend its money? What is important to your school?

Go to CBS News from March 2011
Dennis Littky writes in The Big Picture that "it's allabout how you spend the money."   He points out that the principal can become the Chief Security Officer and the school can save the salary of a security officer.

Here are some other ways to rearrange the budget.  Look at "Equity Project 125000 New York  school"  

The Equity Project Charter School: TEP Charter

The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School believes that teacher quality is the most important factor in achieving educational equity for low income students.

NYC charter school's $125,000 experiment - CBS News

CBS News
There's a school in New York City that's trying to prove just that. It's a bold new experiment in public education called "TEP," which stands for The Equity Project,  ...

The Equity Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School is a 480 seat, 5th through 8th grade New York ... The New York Times: Next Test: Value of $125,000-a-Year Teachers.

What Happens to Test Scores When Teachers Are Paid ...

The Atlantic
Nov 4, 2014 - The Equity Project Charter School opened in the Washington Heights ... a lot of money—a base salary of $125,000 plus benefits and potential bonuses ... (ANew York City public school teacher with five years of experience,  ...
You visited this page.

What Happens When A School Pays Teachers $125,000 A ...

Here and Now
Oct 27, 2014 - The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School in New York City pays its teachers $125,000 a year, plus bonuses. The research, which was funded by  ...

High-paying charter school shows big results -

Dec 19, 2014 - New York City charter school offers a whopping $125,000 salary to staff its ... with students at The Equity Project Charter School in New York.

"Teasing is bullying" and other rules to guide our interactions with annoying people

1.  Teasing is Bullying."  When I make fun of someone, I put that person outside the group.  My audience laughs with me and we laugh at the person ... we take pleasure when he falls.

2.  Nobody owns anybody else. "She's my girl friend.  Stay away!:

3.  A little while lie sometimes helps.

4.  It's often okay to be direct.   "Mr. Steve, I think the student is telling you that you stink."  "You should use deodorant."  and "When was the last time you brushed your teeth?

We want to know how to work with "difficult people" Perhaps they are annoyng.  I can use these strategies form a websie (and Stephne Covey) to survive.

I went to a boarding school for three years and the following rules kept us working together, espdk.n 

Psychology Today has remarkable articles -- FREE at and please look for "Eternal Curves Psychology Today"

"Eternal Curves Psychology Today"
This is a remarkable article.  Students who read it have told me that they understand themselves better after reading this article.  Many students take more than three weeks to digest the article.  This blog post shows HIGHLIGHTS to help you get through the key points.

7 Times the amount of BRAINS

GRASS-FED beef >  Corn-fed beef 

HERE IS THE LINK to the article

Recommend this article

Another way to build a foundation of "shared ideas" that connect us and support our school work

One way to inspire each other is to go to a website.
Another way to build a shared set of ideas is to show videos to each other.  Dr. C. often shows me what he is currently watching.  This helps me to see his mindset and direction of growth. is a web site and inside that website is a set of pages about What do our teachers study?

I've posted dozens of links.
You can suggest items that are helpful.   What gives your life meaning?  What items can you share with us that will inspire us to see the world through your eyes.

This blog is another way.   If you start at one of the blog posts and keep clicking through time, you'll get through the items ... The headline of each post might help you with the references
Here are some of the names...

ARIANNA Huffington talks about sleep
Amen, Daniel -- brain growth.  How do we get more blood going to the brain?  Amen is a Brain doctor with a remarkable youtube channel
Clark, Richard -- professor of educational technology. 
de Bono, Edward -- lateral thinking  (another way of looking at the world) 
Dweck, Carol -- Professor who studies flexible thinking
Fischler, Abe -- President of Nova University.  He wrote commentaries about quotes.
Friedman, Tom -- He made "the flat world" popular.  He talks about IQ is less than CURIOSITY and PASSION  (CQ and PQ)
Gladwell, Malcolm -- He made the phrase "10,000 hours to be an expert" popular.  His books have advice for teachers.
Godin, Seth -- Marketing guru.  He has free ebooks and he suggests that there are better ways to make presentations.  "The purpose of a presentation is to sell.  So sell."
Gonzalez, Enrique -- principal in Calfonria (retired).  He has "conversation with Enrique" that profile a middle school and a high school.
Hutt, Jeff  (skills) -- a teacher in Florida.  He started his own school.  He taught me about the imporatnace of skills.
Littky, Dennis -- author of Big Picture (the book).  
Peters, Tom -- Business guru.  He has many free books.  He advises Big Picture School.
Pink, Daniel -- He wrote 5 books about how to do better at business.  He is on the board of advisors to Big Picture Schools.  He has a list of  recommendations for teachers.   Pink has free videos on for students to watch. mentions Pink..
Postman, Neil -- his book about SUBVERSIVE TEACHING is a landmark.  See Chapter 12 at  "postman neil subversive teaching PDF."  See after page 162
de la Rosa, Alfred -- the first Princiapl to adopt the slogan, THE STUDENT IS THE CLASS and TIME IS A VARIABLE in his school.
Wagner, Tony    (skills, What should we be doing?)  He's from Harvard and he wrote a cook about innovation.
Yuzenas, Dennis  (skills)  He is a teacher in West Palm Beach and he runs

Over the next six months, videos and books and comments will be invested in these names.  

Posters are a general theme.  
Lateral Thinking -- Edward de Bono -- Iain Barraclough pushed me to include something about flexible, lateral thinking.
Justin Zelaya talks about GAMING or SIMULATION

The power of lyrics -- 
RAP is not music.  Music is connecting a medlody to a structure of speaking with stressed and unstressed words.  RAIN drop on ROSes and WHISkers on KITtens.
It's a waltz. ONE two three ONE wo three ONE two three

What leads to growing the brain?
- learning new rules
- doing something that is not routine.  

Learning should be fun for the learner

Afer yu have looked at or heard many of these items, you will have a GREAT idea about Steve's mindset.

I like growth (Carol Dweck talks about growth mindset vs. fixed mindset)

We have two Daniels
two Dennises